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Kaitlyn Meehan, East Mecklenburg High

How can student journalism help your community recover from the pandemic?

Looking back on last school year something that was definitely lacking was a connection with my staff. I felt as if having everyone virtually until January, and then only have half of the staff return in person posed challenges to the communication and team building possible for the staff. It seemed as if after a while we got the hang of how to communicate virtually and stay on track. Of course, it was far more difficult than if we were in person.

What has your publication learned from this year’s challenges, and how will it build on this next year?

The difficulties present in producing the paper made me more confident in our staff’s ability to preserver through unknown circumstances. The majority of the staff was in their first year on the paper and had little to no experience in reporting for and designing a newspaper. The fact that we got a finished copy of a print edition out by the end of the year made me very confident in the staff’s abilities to learn quickly. It makes me even more excited for this upcoming year worth of content.

In times of speculation and uncertainty, how can student journalism provide guidance for your school community?

Something The Eagle will be adapting from NCSMA is expanding our broadcast news division. Having seen what an incredible job the class at NCSMI did this year we plan to use similar platforms to reach our student audience. We want to expand into podcasts, as well as TikToks since students can consume them on the go. Both have the potential to capture more attention. Seeing how the broadcast students reached out virtually for their stories has definitely influenced the staff. Using platforms students are already familiar with will increase audience engagement.

Vice President for Newspaper

Emmy Benton, First Flight High

How can student journalism help your community recover from the pandemic?

Student journalism can help my community recover from the pandemic by informing the public about things going on around them. Community members can engage in events happening and help to stimulate the area’s economy. Student journalists can also write stories about the vaccine, and this might cause more people to consider getting vaccinated.

What has your publication learned from this year’s challenges, and how will it build on this next year?

This year’s challenges have taught my publication that working together is key to making our newspaper the best that it can be. It’s also taught us that being in the classroom allows for the best environment to create publications because of the benefits of interacting face to face with my classmates. It allows us to build off of each other’s ideas and develop into better writers. We will build on this next year by continuing to collaborate and build on the skills that make good journalists.

In times of speculation and uncertainty, how can student journalism provide guidance for your school community?

In times of speculation and uncertainty, student journalism can provide guidance for my school community by reporting facts and not using bias while reporting. We can take a different approach and use different angles to give people more information.

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice in this coming year?

It’s important for student journalists to have a voice in this coming year because they can bring attention to things that they’re passionate about, and maybe even introduce change along the way. What they’re doing is vital to the community, and making sure that they have a voice enriches the area in a way that only student journalists can.

Vice President for Yearbook

Betsy Porter, Cape Fear Academy

How can student journalism help your community recover from the pandemic?

Conversation brings people together, and student publications help ignite conversations. Journalists tell the stories that wouldn’t otherwise be told, and help members of their school community reconnect after a somewhat isolating year.

What has your publication learned from this year’s challenges, and how will it build on this next year?

With school dances and other traditions being cancelled due to COVID-19, our publication’s staff had to get creative with new topics to cover. We learned that things will not always go according to plan, and it’s okay to take your ideas in a different direction. This year, the staff and I created a yearbook that is more unique to the year and less formulaic, which is something I hope we continue striving for.

In times of speculation and uncertainty, how can student journalism provide guidance for your school community?

Student newspapers have been particularly helpful in the past year, a time when everyone was unsure about what the future held. By reporting the facts, getting the opinions of school administrators, and giving a platform to other students, the rest of the school community can get a better sense of what’s going on. 

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice in this coming year?

Student journalists are capable of bringing a school community back together because they are leaders. Whether it’s by giving other students a platform to use their voice, writing their own editorials, or taking photos that tell a story, it’s important that they use their voice as much as possible — especially as we return to a more “normal” school year in the fall. 

Vice President for Literary Magazine

Katie Madison, West Brunswick High

How can student journalism help your community recover from the pandemic?

Student journalism can help us recover by providing stories from community members that allow readers to hear about others going through trials similar to their own.

What has your publication learned from this year’s challenges, and how will it build on this next year?

This year my publication learned a lot about adapting to new circumstances and procedures. I think it will help make my team more versatile and ready to handle challenges in the years to come.

In times of speculation and uncertainty, how can student journalism provide guidance for your school community?

In times of uncertainty, it’s easy to feel lost and like you don’t know what to do. Journalism gives students the opportunity to influence their peers and school faculty, and this year that means helping them adjust to an unfamiliar situation and overcome the difficulties.

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice in this coming year?

It’s important for student journalists to have a voice this year because, when trying to reach out to overwhelmed kids, nobody gets them better than kids going through the same thing. Student journalists can add relatable content to their publications that makes their peers feel like they have a voice.

Vice President for Electronic Communication and Online

Megan Broome, West Henderson High

How can student journalism help your community recover from the pandemic?

Student journalism can help my community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic by inspiring hope through the coverage of local events. The pandemic had a significant impact on the lives of everyone, as we were all affected by it in some capacity, and most things are beginning to return to normal. High school activities such as sports, prom, clubs, student sections, etc. are resuming with fewer restrictions and protocols. The coverage of events such as these would help increase spirit and excitement throughout the rest of this year and into the upcoming school year. As journalists, we have the power to unite our community on common ground and spread awareness on pandemic safety, as well as the stories of those who helped others during difficult times, or reinvented themselves and adopted new hobbies. Although student journalism may not be able to help our community recover from COVID-19 physically, we have been provided with the opportunity to contribute to the recovery process mentally and emotionally by increasing morale and unity.

What has your publication learned from this year’s challenges, and how will it build on this next year?

Our publication at West Henderson High has learned many valuable skills as a result of this year’s challenges, most prominently being the importance of communication. Since we were operating on Plan B for the beginning of this year, it was very difficult to obtain content for the yearbook because our sole form of communication was digital. We were having to contact the students via email or through a social media site, and we often found it difficult to get responses which compelled us to become creative in the ways that we would gather content. As a result, we created an Instagram account that allowed us to encourage our peers to submit photographs and information about the activities that they were participating in so that everyone could be involved. We received responses and positive feedback from the student body which encouraged us to continue to dig deeper to find stories that come from the heart of the school. We learned to be creative and persevere. Our publication will continue to use these newly developed skills in the upcoming year and build upon them by creating an environment that fosters communication and by continuing to update our social profile to keep West’s students involved.

In times of speculation and uncertainty, how can student journalism provide guidance for your school community?

Student journalism can provide guidance to my school community during unprecedented times by being a staple source of information and normalcy. Our student journalism program publishes a yearbook and a newspaper which allows for our school community to remain updated and informed. Within our publications, many students see one of their peers doing something that they are interested in which prompts them to try it. Often, journalism can create a sense of purpose and belonging because it is an excellent way to communicate and share ideas. Student journalism provides people with visual representations of opportunities and events that pertain to their interests and invites them to experience new things and find direction.

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice in this coming year?

It is always important for student journalists to have a voice, however it is particularly important for this coming year because it is the first year since the pandemic where we have been able to fully participate in events. The students themselves have experienced an immense amount of difficulty because the qualities that contribute to a “high school experience” were postponed or cancelled for the past two years, such as shortened sports seasons, limited fans at games, no pep rallies, social distancing in classrooms, etc. Finally, we are returning to normal and it is more important than ever for student journalists to report on the reopening of schools to their full capacity without restrictions and the emotions that are being felt as students get to participate in the excitement of a new, normal year. It is crucial for student journalists to rebuild a sense of community as everyone comes back together as a whole.

Vice President for Visual Communications

Anika Danner, Fred T. Foard High

How can student journalism help your community recover from the pandemic?

Student journalism can focus on the good sides of the pandemic. We can highlight the uplifting things to change the views from focusing on the negative impacts of the pandemic and the other things that have changed to the different activities and occurrences that we write about within our schools.

What has your publication learned from this year’s challenges, and how will it build on this next year?

We have learned that having deadlines gives us a greater incentive to complete the tasks.  We also discovered that during times of change and uncertainty that having flexibility within journalism can be significant. I have also learned that I cannot rely on technology to communicate with other students. I cannot procrastinate. I have to keep working to meet deadlines and continuously work on spreads.

In times of speculation and uncertainty, how can student journalism provide guidance for your school community?

Through the different branches of student journalism, we can help keep other students up to date on rules and regulations concerning masks and cleaning.

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice in this coming year?

I feel that getting the chance to view students’ thoughts and opinions is essential because we need to give our ideas and views in a world just as much ours as any professionals. This world will be ours to impact and influence, so we should start voicing our opinions now.

Compiled by 2020-2021 Student Officers






Ella Rasmussen, Providence Senior High

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice?

Sometimes, adults think we’re too young or inexperienced for our opinions to matter. Once we have the voice to prove them wrong, we can start drawing attention to the issues we’re passionate about. It’s just an added bonus that our work will get the respect it deserves. 

Why is it important to combat bias in reporting, especially as student journalists?

Bias has crippled our faith in journalism. As the next generation of reporters, combating it is paramount to proving that the field is salvageable.

How can you best serve the community through your journalism, and how have you done that in the past?

In the past, I’ve used feature writing to research socio economic divisions in my city. Now, there’s never been a more dire time to keep exposing the chasms that separate us.

How can journalism help students in your school community make informed decisions about the world around them?

Especially in high school, we like to tell ourselves that we’re too busy to watch or read the news. It won’t be long before we’re working, voting, and paying taxes if we aren’t already. Though we might not think we’re old enough for reporting on these necessities to be relevant, it already is—and it’s about to shape how we live.

Vice President for Newspaper

Kayla Hallac, First Flight High

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice?

Right now, in a world full of constant change and different issues, journalists tell the world what’s going on using their voice. It’s important to show the voices of other people. As a journalist where you have a voice you can demonstrate the voices of those who feel helpless or want to/deserve to be heard. 

Why is it important to combat bias in reporting, especially as student journalists?

It’s extremely important to build a credible reputation, especially as student journalists so you can tell the world an accurate view of the story, and not influence their reaction in any way. Journalist’s jobs are to tell the world what’s going on, the way the readers feel about the story is their own decision. Student journalists mostly have a community based set of readers, making it even more important.

How can you best serve the community through your journalism, and how have you done that in the past?

You can serve your community by amplifying the voices of those who have a story to tell, and those who have put an impact on the world. One way I’ve done this is by writing a story about a woman named Tricia Lawrenson, who has cystic fibrosis and just received her third lung transplant. This story was powerful, because Lawrenson’s story was unique from many.

How can journalism help students in your school community make informed decisions about the world around them?

Journalism gives an objective point of view as a resource to students in my school community so they can figure out their decision of what they think based on the facts, and without bias.

Vice President for Yearbook

Emily Roberts, Richlands High

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice?

As a student, it is important to always have a voice in different matters because we could give a different perspective an adult hasn’t considered. The way you may see the world is different from everyone else’s view. This comes in handy when you’re trying to write an article to relate to multiple audiences. 

Why is it important to combat bias in reporting, especially as student journalists?

Combating biased reporting can further someone’s knowledge on the story. giving one side of the story can limit the ways of creating new and more reasonable perspectives. 

How can you best serve the community through your journalism, and how have you done that in the past?

By reporting the stories the community may not know is a way they will serve the community as well as document the history of the town. This past year I wrote an article explaining the new offense our high school football team was trying out.

How can journalism help students in your school community make informed decisions about the world around them?

By using our voices, we can bring problems to light and spread awareness for issues. for our yearbook this past year, the staff thought it would be a great idea to include real world problems in the book such as abortion, slap boxing, and Juuling. we used our journalistic talents and brought a “real talk” to our yearbook.

Vice President for Literary Magazine

Kaitlyn Meehan, East Mecklenburg High

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice?

I believe that it is most important for student journalists to have a voice because without older generations hearing the opinions of the youth, we will become stagnant and never progress beyond modern beliefs; even as we develop as a society. Not only does it communicate opinions and news to older generations, when student media is spread around high schools it informs the other students and promotes free thought. Surprising or “radical” views displayed through journalism can often encourage people to think beyond what they’ve always known. This is the most important aspect of student journalism. 

Why is it important to combat bias in reporting, especially as student journalists?

It is important to combat bias in reporting because of the fact that when news is reported with unsolicited opinion it will unfairly manipulate the reader. When the reader believes they are reading the facts regarding an event and they are actually consuming biased information it will warp their perception of the reality of the situation, in other words, it would be giving them debatable opinions that they could then take as fact. As student journalists, who mainly report to people our own age, we need to make sure we do not have bias in our stories because students are still developing their own opinions. It is against the nature of journalism to coerce the reader into looking at the situation through our own eyes when not explicitly stated. 

How can you best serve the community through your journalism, and how have you done that in the past?

I believe that I can best serve the community through my journalism by shedding light on points of views and stories that are not often told. My favorite aspect of journalism is telling the stories of those who deserve to be heard, I think it gives the reader a more worldly and dynamic view of their life. I have done so in the past by writing about things such as the importance of respecting people’s gender identities and politics. I want to make sure that my writing introduces people to new things, and not only opinions that they already agree with. This is a vital way that journalists can better their own communities as well as educating themselves. 

How can journalism help students in your school community make informed decisions about the world around them?

Journalism can help students make educated decisions about the world by sharing with them what is beyond their own horizons. Students need to see what the world is like beyond their own community. Personally, I am very grateful that the school I go to is very diverse in every way. However, our students still need to read about global events, even if they have no effect on us directly. When we write about things like politics and international relations, students learn the facts that they can then base their opinions on. This is how today’s generation grows up to make informed and responsible decisions.

Vice President for Electronic Communication and Online

Emily Chambliss, West Henderson High

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice?

Student journalism gives students an amazing opportunity to express themselves in a time where the voices of youth are often silenced and ignored. The opinions and perspectives of the young people in our country matter, and we are the next generation of voters and politicians. Student journalism gives young journalists the outlet they need to learn they can make a difference and share who they are and what they believe in with the world. 

Why is it important to combat bias in reporting, especially as student journalists?

A lot of people rely on the media to give them truthful, unbiased facts and stories to keep them informed. Young students are impressionable, and some may have not formed their own opinions on certain subjects yet. It is important, as student journalists, that we remain as unbiased as possible, and give our peers the information they need to form their own opinion. 

How can you best serve the community through your journalism, and how have you done that in the past?

Students can best serve their community by covering the topics that are important and that the people around them care about. At my school, I wrote a feature about the dangerous chemicals in vape juices and how they impact the lungs while vaping was becoming very popular at my school.

How can journalism help students in your school community make informed decisions about the world around them?

Students have to have true, unbiased information to be able to make a fully informed decision about what they believe in. That’s what journalism is. Media that tells people what really happened. The information provided to them through their student journalism program will allow the students in your school to understand what is going on around them and how it affects them. 

Vice President for Visual Communications

Fabian Hernandez, Riverside High

Why is it important for student journalists to have a voice?

I think it’s important for student journalists to have a voice because Without a voice, I think schools lose out on the opportunity to share students’ perspectives, and engage them in conversations that mean something to them.

Why is it important to combat bias in reporting, especially as student journalists?

It is important for student journalists to combat bias in reporting in order to provide reliable information. To do this journalists have to obtain accurate sources from both sides of the matter.

How can you best serve the community through your journalism, and how have you done that in the past?

You can best serve the community through your journalism with your creativity, think outside the box. I started my school’s first ever broadcast program at Riverside High School and it was successful.

How can journalism help students in your school community make informed decisions about the world around them?

At my school, journalism isn’t a huge deal but when our newspaper comes out with a huge story, the whole school is talking about it. When one person talks about the story, the next thing you know the whole school knows. It keeps students informed and students can do something about it.

Compiled by Abigail Welch